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AST Roll Cageswhat you need to know about antivirus bar

Below we show you the classification of the AST anti-virus bars by versions:

The track day (track day):

Back arc of 4 points, located behind the front seats.A soldier is delivered.

Full Cage (Track Day)

Full arc of 6 points, crossing the slope and reaching to the back of the vehicle.A soldier is delivered and joined with a helmet

Bolt in Motorsport:

Full arc of 6 points, crossing the slope and reaching to the back of the vehicle.A soldier is delivered and joined with a helmet.

Weld-In and Motorsport:

Full arc of 6 or more points, crossing the slope and reaching to the back of the vehicle.It is delivered in kit to sold.

Multipoint Weld-In Motorsport

Full arc of 8 or more points, crossing the slope and reaching to the back of the vehicle.It is delivered in kit to sold.

To see more in detail the structures and their ways to do click here


Questions about Track Day

Questions about Motorsport Bolt-In

Questions about Motorsport Weld-In